2nd November 2020
Paktronic’s Jezz Lamb completes the SOCOMEC Charity Cycle Ride
14th July 2022
Paktronic are one of the participants and sponsors in this exciting fundraiser commencing on Saturday 18th June crossing the finish line on Saturday 25th June.
The route is from Socomec’s UK office in Cirencester to their headquarters in Benfeld, northeastern France.
Funds raised will go to the Global Charity:
Working to provide access to a quality water and sewage system in Madagascar and in particular supporting the village of Miandrizara, the village school and health centre – currently with no running water.
Electriciens sans frontières has already carried out a previous project in Miandrizara consisting of electrifying the health center and the public school.
To support Paktronic in raising funds for this charity and the work they are doing contact Tom Nicholas (tomnicholas@paktronic.co.uk) for further information.